A Lot has happend, we had a bussy time here in monjardin.
The first week of december, Marijn (head of the organisation) and a friend came to prepare the hostel for renovation.
We wanted to renew the bathroom and install central heating.
But first we installed a wood stove in the main room.
That in it self was a advanture.
In the main room we only had an open fire place.
The cimney was an open channel of 1 meter by 30 centimeter all the way to the roof.
A lot of heat from the fireplace would just go straight up to the roof.
So we closed of that big hole with a sheet of metal.
Then we bought a metal wood stove, with a 10 centimeter cimney pipe to the roof of the house.
Now you maybe wondering why i give you all these details.
Well......, not all went well.
When i put that chimney pipe in to the big chimney, it came down and cut a tendens in my wrist.
Since i was covert in soot i had to stay in the hospital for 3 days.
(for more picktures ,look on my picasa site)
It all healed very fast, but i was not able to do a whole lot.
I took care of the food and cleaning, while Marijn and his friend took out the old shower and the rest of the bathroom.
Half way december we all went back to the netherlands.
First i went to stay in amsterdam and suroundings for about a week.
I was able to meet a lot of my friends, and spent quality time with them.
After that, i went to stay with my parents for about 2 weeks, untill the fifth of january.
It was a Very good time in the Netherlands.
In january my dad, an old classmate of mine from kindergarden (called peter) and a befriend couple that i know from Amsterdam, went together to spain.
We did the whole rip in 2 days, we stay overnight in tours, and continued the next day.
In the following 2 weeks we where able to install the central heating and a new bathroom.
This is going to be such a blessing for the workeres and the pilgrims
The last day that marijn and my friend where here, we received the deviding wall, to be placed in the bathroom.
This ment that we had to work all trough the night.
After that an other friend came, she loves cleaning.
There was a lot for her to love.
We cleaned the main rooms, and went for a day to San Sebastian.
At this moment there are 3 different friends visiting me herein monjardin.
Two girls from the netherlands and a lady that lives here in navarra.
The 2 dutchies go back tomorrow, and the lady will stay for an other while.
Then halfway february theres an other Good friend visiting me.
In noverber i was blessed with lots of solitude, now i'm blessed with lots of friend.
There's no way of speaking in terms of better or worse, I thank God on my knees for both.
A group of friends from amsterdam had put money together and fixed me a mountain-bike.
Now i can go to Estella in about 15 min. by bike, the way back takes about 25 minutes.
And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain the books that should be written.
you can skype me about these other things.