Tuesday, September 02, 2008

time is now really coming to an end here in amsterdam.

coming thursday( 4 Sept.) i'll have my goodbye party at the Willemsstraat.
even writing it down feels weird.
but most of you who read this, know how that feels.
now i feel it
(it's not the best part about leaving)
i'm exited about what God has for me in spain.
big challenges that i need his help on.
as Jacob Kops told me last week," you'll learn to pray, when you do this job"
i believe that.

my house mate Ian, is gonna take me to spain on saturday 27 september.
i'll start the following week in the hostel

8 nights to go as night-man.
the nights have been hard on me the last months.
it has been good, i had a lot of great contacts with guest and staff,
but the hard part became the sleeping during the day and switch over to sleeping at night.

that will be one thing i won't miss.

i will be sick because of missing my people, but i a way nothing chanced.
in the past, people moved on from amsterdam, either from crossroads, or the shelter, to there new place.
now it is me who is leaving.
goodbye sucks both ways.

what helped me a lot the last 8 years that i was night-man,
was that i had a small group of friends around me that was consistent.
people at crossroads and true-out the country
i'm specially thankful to those people

that's all for now
hope to see you, or talk to you later
