Last time I wrote (I think) was during the renovation of the shelter Jordan
Lots has happened since.
In the hostel a lot has changed.
Here you see the bathrooms in its lowest state.
I might give you an idea of the intensity of the renovation
Also the dorms got some serious beating up, we changed 2 dorms in to 5 smaller rooms, on each floor
Also the alcoves got turned in to small rooms
Here you see the reception (?)
The whole kitchen got knocked down and rebuild
For the final state (of art) I have to forward you to
In the weekends we try to set up men-night again.
Twice a month we come together
On Saturday night we have a relax evening where we hang out and do relaxed things.
And two weeks later on Sunday night we come together and have testimony night.
In crossroads I’ll still continue my custodian job and help out with some practical things/ fix ups
Another new thing that changed for me is “oasis trails”.
Last November a friend and old college, his wife and I met up in the community house of the shelter.
We had some small talk, and made an appointment to meet up at their place.
Just to meet up after a long time.
So, in December I just went there for a meal.
As we had that meal they shared about oasis trail, and how they liked it.
They showed me pictures and told me stories.
Then he said,” you should try it too, it would really fit you.”
I told him I was to busy, renovating the shelter Jordan, but maybe after that would be over I could take a break.
As I went home, I gave it some more thoughts.
I talked to some more people that told me the same
”you should try it too, it would really fit you.”
My friend (Bogdan) invited me for a meeting with the board of the organization.
I really liked the meeting, and said that in April I would go to Spain to work in the albergue (inn) for a month
So now I’m here.
Oasis trail is a Dutch organization that runs an inn in Spain, in the area close to Pamplona.
The inn serves about 25 guest a day with a meal, a bed and breakfast
It’s in a small mountain village called “villa mayor de monjardin”
Pronounced Bilja major de mogarden (as far as my Spanish teachers where able to teach me)
These are 2 of my Spanish teachers together on the swing
They are girls that live in the village.
During the week they are in boarding school, but in the weekend they come home to villa mayor.
I really enjoy the time with the people here.
The times we spent with the pilgrims are very special.
We here so many amazing stories, its weird to write these down like this, but I hope I can share them with you in person some time.
So many people that are truly seeking for God
(As far as we can see of course).
A number of times I heard people, from all kinds of backgrounds, tell us that they we’re so amazed, how little they hear about God on the Camino.
During our “Jesus meditation” we invite the pilgrims to experience the love and forgiveness of Christ.
With that we gladly sent the on there Camino
This is our kitchen, with Jan my collegue.
This is how we serve breakfast. He is married with Coby
Here you see them together doing reception in front of the inn
(look at the ruin on top of the mountain)
This is the view they had during there reception shift
This is one of the dorms
We serve breakfast from 7.00 till 8.30.
Then the staff has their breakfast all together.
After breakfast we clean all the beds
(The pilgrims only stay for one night)
We clean the restaurant and the bathrooms and do shopping in the next town called “estella”.
Then we have lunch and siesta till 3.30.
After siesta the staff comes together to pray and to divide the work.
About 2 people check in the guest, and two prepare the meal.
One day a week we’ll have a day of.
For my day of I went back against a secondary Camino, back to Estella.
I wandered around a bit, came trough a deserted village
I saw lots of orchids
and rosemary
On the way back I bought some food and walked the common Camino from Estella to Villa-Mayor.
Along the way it rained a bit.
I was able to shelter, so didn’t have any trouble with it.
When I came to the monastery of “Irache”, it really started to rain hard.
So then I took my dinner break in the gate of the church.
This is the monastery (where we by our wine)
Oasis trail still needs workers
Now you know what we do.
So if you want to come just follow these signs
Or the following signs
And from all directions you can see this ruin on top of the mountain
Climb the mountain and then look down direction south
Then when you are on top, you look down and you see this village
Follow this sign and ask for us
I hope to be here some more, so maybe we can work together here in Spain